Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, having the advice of someone who has already been through it can be very helpful. There are plenty of books that can help you get started.

Maybe you need some inspiration to improve your skills as an entrepreneur, or you want to learn how to be a better manager. These are some of the best books that can help you get started.

Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill

One of the most popular books for entrepreneurs is Think and Grow Rich. This is a great resource for people who want to improve their professional and personal development by looking inward and changing how they think about things.

One of the biggest lessons that the book has to teach is how to set goals and hit them. This is a must-read for any entrepreneur.

Blink – Malcolm Gladwell

The most successful entrepreneurs make the decisions that no one wants to make. However, how do you know when to make the right one? In this book, author Malcolm Gladwell explores the various factors that go into making the right decision. This is a great resource for anyone who wants to start their own business and wants to be sure they’re choosing the right decisions in a sea of wrong ones.

Measure What Matters – John Doerr

If you’re not sure what your company’s OKRs are, then this is a must-read. In this book, John Doerr talks about the concept of key results and objective measurement, which he brought to Google and other companies during the 1970s.

Through case studies, John shows how using OKRs can help companies focus on their goals and improve their productivity. It’s also been praised by industry leaders such as Bill Gates.

The Founder’s Dilemmas – Noam Wasserman

Do you know what to watch out for when it comes to running a successful business? If you’re a new entrepreneur, then you might not have the necessary knowledge to spot potential problems.

In The Founder’s Dilemma, Noam Wasserman shows how to spot potential pitfalls before they happen. He also gives you the tools to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. This is a great book for anyone who wants to start a successful business.

The 4-Hour Work Week – Timothy Ferris

In The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferris shows how to get started and stay focused on your goals. This is a great resource that’s ideal for anyone who’s considering starting a business.

In this book, Timothy Ferris shows how to create an income-generating system that will allow you to spend your time doing what you love instead of working 40 hours a week. He’ll make you excited about starting a new business.